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how to @SELECT redirected input?

Does %@SELECT work with redirected input? According to the help file it should, but I can't get it to display the selection window. I tried

alias | %@select[CON:,0,0,24,70,exec alias,1]
echo %@select[CON:,0,0,24,70,echo] < updater.ini

also replacing CON: with "CON" "@CON" upper and lowercase didn't work.
What am I missing?

echo %@select[updater.ini,0,0,24,70,echo] does work on my system.
Hallo Stefano Piccardi,

> Does %@SELECT work with redirected input? According to the help
> file it should, but I can't get it to display the selection window.
> I tried
> alias | %@select[CON:,0,0,24,70,exec alias,1]
> echo %@select[CON:,0,0,24,70,echo] < updater.ini

Don't know what you want to do. Something like this works:

text | set dummy=%@select[con,5,5,20,15,Drive]

Best regards,

* Klaus Meinhard *
Thank you, it works here too. "con" vs. "con:" makes the difference. It could be considered as a bug since the help file says:
To select from lines passed through input redirection or a pipe, use CON: as filename. To select from lines in the Windows clipboard, use CLIP: as filename.
Topic "f_select.htm" last edited 1/14/2009. ©2011 JP Software, Inc.

and CON works while CON: doesn't
while CLIP doesn't work while CLIP: does.
---- Original Message ----
From: Stefano Piccardi
| Thank you, it works here too. "con" vs. "con:" makes the difference.
| It could be considered as a bug since the help file says:
| To select from lines passed through input redirection or a pipe, use
| CON: as filename. To select from lines in the Windows clipboard, use
| CLIP: as filename.
| Topic "f_select.htm" last edited 1/14/2009. �2011 JP Software, Inc.
| Keywords: @SELECT,SELECT
| and CON works while CON: doesn't
| while CLIP doesn't work while CLIP: does.

... and in most contexts the ":" after CON is not required, e.g.:

command | for %x in (@CON) ...

and CON works while CON: doesn't
while CLIP doesn't work while CLIP: does.

CLIP: isn't exactly a parallel case. It's not an actual Windows device, so CLIP (without the colon) is a perfectly legal filename, and should not be handled specially.
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