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How to? ECHO (or somehow write) hex characters to output file

I am aware that standard CMD.EXE does not support ECHOing hex codes to stdout, like

echo "\xEF\xBB\xBF" >file.txt

I expected there must be some way in swiss army knife TCC, but I haven't found one.
Can't TCC do this? (w/o relying on external progs like forfiles etc)
Is this a solution?

It uses the TCC pshell command;
E:\Utils>pshell /s "$file=[char]0xEF+[char]0xBB+[char]0xBF"

E:\Utils>pshell /s $file

R:\>pshell /s "$file | out-file -NoNewLine 'file.txt'"

R:\>type file.txt

I am aware that standard CMD.EXE does not support ECHOing hex codes to stdout, like

echo "\xEF\xBB\xBF" >file.txt

I expected there must be some way in swiss army knife TCC, but I haven't found one.
Can't TCC do this? (w/o relying on external progs like forfiles etc)
I am not sure if I understand, the command "echo %@char[0xEF]%@char[0xBB]%@char[0xBF] > file.txt" is good for You?
Rodolfo Giovanninetti
I am not sure if I understand, the command "echo %@char[0xEF]%@char[0xBB]%@char[0xBF] > file.txt" is good for You?

You can simplify this to echo %@char[0xef 0xbb 0xbf] > file.txt

On the other hand, if the goal is just to write a Byte Order Mark, it's %@char[0xfeff]. Redirecting to a file with OPTION //UTF8OUTPUT=YES will produce the correct byte encoding.
if the goal is just to write a Byte Order Mark, it's %@char[0xfeff]. Redirecting to a file with OPTION //UTF8OUTPUT=YES will produce the correct byte encoding.

Thanks a lot! That was exactly what I was looking for - create a UTF-8 BOM file to add file names during further batch processing.

"echo %@char[0xef 0xbb 0xbf]" doesn't get me there, because the 3 individual characters are written as 16-bit words and not single bytes.

Anyway, it's good to know about this option for future tasks.

@Joe Caverly @Rodolfo
Thank you for your responses!

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