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TCMD crash in Win7

Started TCMD in Win7 ... put "\\lucky\d$" in the location box ... after quite a while "g$(\\lucky)" appeared under "Network" in the folders view (list view empty; 6 seconds; takes Explorer 1 sec to do the same and show the contents) ... X'd TCMD ... crash! (crash report and GPF file below).
I repeated the experiment several times with the same result.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: tcmd.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4e21a00b
Fault Module Name: StackHash_9e90
Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.17514
Fault Module Timestamp: 4ce7b96e
Exception Code: c0000374
Exception Offset: 000c37b7
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 9e90
Additional Information 2: 9e9071f778a38845b2f99b9dddcdc2d5
Additional Information 3: 1e0b
Additional Information 4: 1e0b405ee65d2f4c2fb85c4d1ce6429d
TCMD 12.11.71
EAX=66254EF2 EBX=05707530 ECX=025B0000 EDX=05707530
ESI=0721A410 EDI=05707528 EBP=0117AF08 ESP=0117AED4
CS=0000001B DS=00000023 ES=00000023 SS=00000023

1 : ntdll.dll 0001:00051d37
2 : ntdll.dll 0001:00051ce8
3 : kernel32.dll 0001:0004b3d4
4 : tcmd.exe 0001:00259f04
5 : tcmd.exe 0001:000436b7
Those two reports I posted were not from the same crash. The two below are from the same crash. I also noticed that during the several second wait for the remote share to show up in TCMD's folder view, TCMD turned white and it's caption changed to "Not responging" ... those, just for a half-second or so, then it came back to life.

TCMD 12.11.71
EAX=0332AFA8 EBX=00000000 ECX=0172C838 EDX=6FE426B5
ESI=027A0000 EDI=00000000 EBP=0117B364 ESP=0117B358
CS=0000001B DS=00000023 ES=00000023 SS=00000023

1 : ntdll.dll 0001:00058c5f
2 : AcXtrnal.DLL 0001:00008fc9
3 : kernel32.dll 0001:0004b3d4
4 : tcmd.exe 0001:00259f04
5 : tcmd.exe 0001:000436b7

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: tcmd.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4e21a00b
Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version: 6.1.7601.17514
Fault Module Timestamp: 4ce7b96e
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 00059c5f
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 6e20
Additional Information 2: 6e202ab67437ef41a4dabce957adb59b
Additional Information 3: f544
Additional Information 4: f5442f83624754ca530fca4b6a9692c5
This may have little or nothing to do with the remote share. The symptoms are nearly the same as I reported some time ago under Windows XP (when I was told to get a modern OS). Now with Win7, when I "X" TCMD, it takes 4+ seconds for it to disappear from TaskManager. I can correct that in all the ways I could in XP ... "unset titleprompt" before X-ing TCMD ... "title %titleprompt" in TCEXIT ... "UpdateTitle=Yes" ... deleting TCEXIT. If I do any one of those, TCMD disappears from TaskManager immediately.
This may have little or nothing to do with the remote share. The symptoms are nearly the same as I reported some time ago under Windows XP (when I was told to get a modern OS). Now with Win7, when I "X" TCMD, it takes 4+ seconds for it to disappear from TaskManager. I can correct that in all the ways I could in XP ... "unset titleprompt" before X-ing TCMD ... "title %titleprompt" in TCEXIT ... "UpdateTitle=Yes" ... deleting TCEXIT. If I do any one of those, TCMD disappears from TaskManager immediately.

Not reproducible here.

(And you were told to get a modern OS for a myriad of other reasons, but not this particular one, since nobody else has ever been able to reproduce it!)

But I still don't know why you want to exit TCMD that way, since you're running the risk that any apps in your tab windows are going to be corrupted by your not giving them a chance to shut down on their own.
Started TCMD in Win7 ... put "\\lucky\d$" in the location box ... after quite a while "g$(\\lucky)" appeared under "Network" in the folders view (list view empty; 6 seconds; takes Explorer 1 sec to do the same and show the contents) ... X'd TCMD ... crash! (crash report and GPF file below).
I repeated the experiment several times with the same result.

Not reproducible here (long delay or crash). Is that sharename have a large number of files / directories? (I see about a 1-2 second delay when entering a network sharename.)

Your crash address is in the RTL exit code; possibly a memory corruption.
On Sun, 31 Jul 2011 22:22:17 -0400, rconn <> wrote:

|I'm rather surprised to see AcXtrnal.DLL; I've never seen it in a TCC process before and I don't know of any reason for it to be there.

Do you know what it is? I find copies of it in windows\apppatch and in several
windows\winsxs directories. Compatability ...?
On Sun, 31 Jul 2011 22:22:17 -0400, rconn <> wrote:

|I'm rather surprised to see AcXtrnal.DLL; I've never seen it in a TCC process before and I don't know of any reason for it to be there.

It's in the TCMD process, not TCC.

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