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File completion change

Charles Dye

Super Moderator
Staff member
I have in my .INI file:
FileCompletion=unzip oz zipdir:zip dirs; rd rmdir cd chdir cdd pushd:dirs; upx:com exe dirs;

It doesn't seem to work the same in v19 (32 bit, if it matters.) After UNZIP, for example, Tab completes names of .ZIP files, but not subdirectories. After UPX, Tab doesn't seem to want to complete anything....

The same directive does work as expected in v18.
I'm still seeing issues. If I type e.g.
unzip c:\wi
and press Tab, I would expect TCC to fill in "Windows"; instead I get an error sound. My FileCompletion directive is
filecompletion=unzip oz zipdir:zip dirs; rd rmdir cd chdir cdd pushd:dirs; upx:com exe dirs;

This is in TCC 19.02.34, x86, running on Windows 10 build 10240, if that makes any difference.
Better.... But now I've found a new (?) oddity. ZIP files appear in the file-completion list twice. I even see this in the F7 popup window:

That's a different (and old) issue (include lists returning multiple matches). For build 36 (already uploaded) I added a check for this situation; let me know if it solves your problem.

I do still see it:


I don't know that this constitutes an actual problem. It is a little surprising, though, and different from previous versions.
With Charles's INI directive, and CWD = v:\, the zip files appear twice if I specify "unzip v:\*" and only once if I specify "unzip *"
Build 37 acts much more like previous versions: completes all the stuff I expect it to, nothing I don't, doesn't include anything twice.

Yet still another peculiarity I've found: When completing with Tab, files appear first, then subdirectories; but when backtracking through the list with Shift-Tab, everything is sorted into Unicode order, as in the F7 dialog. I don't know whether you'd consider this a bug or not -- I'm not calling it that -- just another oddity I've found.

I assume all these little nits I've found reflect some major internal rewrite to support completion scripts, completion plugins, etc.
Build 37 acts much more like previous versions: completes all the stuff I expect it to, nothing I don't, doesn't include anything twice.

Yet still another peculiarity I've found: When completing with Tab, files appear first, then subdirectories; but when backtracking through the list with Shift-Tab, everything is sorted into Unicode order, as in the F7 dialog. I don't know whether you'd consider this a bug or not -- I'm not calling it that -- just another oddity I've found.

WAD - that one is not "fixable" without discarding the completion ordering.

I assume all these little nits I've found reflect some major internal rewrite to support completion scripts, completion plugins, etc.

No, it was a major internal rewrite to support completion order.

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